Important Notices

Sonning Sports TTC parking

Can all teams playing at Sonning Sports TTC venue, Pearson Hall, be aware that there is limited street parking and only on the Pearson Hall side of the road. Teams should car share as much as possible to reduce the risk of parking problems. It is particularly important not to even partially block the driveways or access of residents' properties. Please also note that parking is not permitted in the access road by the side of Pearson Hall leading to The Sonning Club.

Stephen Reader :

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TTE Membership 2024/25


Now is the time to do your TTE membership renewal & ensure you are being registered by your club for start of new season. You can purchase or renew your Table Tennis England membership or player licences online via the following link: Membership Portal

Please note: all players must have a valid TTE membership before playing in any Reading league or cup matches in the 2024/25 season.

Stephen Reader :

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Approved balls for local league matches

A reminder ... that balls used in local league matches should be on the ITTF approved list.

This list is updated from time to time, so please check before ordering new supplies.

The ITTF approved list can be viewed by clicking here.

Nick Lean :

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The RDTTA has a New Chairman and a New General Secretary

Following the recent AGM this is to announce that we have a new Chairman and a new General Secretary:

    CHAIRMAN                    - MARTIN ADAMS


Nick Lean :

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Up-Coming Events

Deadline for entries in the Team Handicap & LDKO competitions

First free week for Special Competitions

2nd Free Week - Special Competitions

Last League matches before Christmas

3rd Free Week - Special Competitions

Individual Handicap tournament

More Info Here

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