Postponed Matches
Just a reminder about postponing matches. Please see the regulation regarding this below. No more than 2 outstanding matches at any one time. 

9.2. No team is allowed to have more than two matches outstanding at any one time, except in the case of a rearrangement under regulation 9.4.

9.3. Rearranged fixtures shall be played as soon as possible after the original date. All fixtures for the first half of the season must be played before the second half commences. Rearranged fixtures for the second half of the season must be played no later than the final scheduled week of the season or any extension thereof agreed by the Executive Committee. Failure to comply with this regulation will result in the match being awarded 10-0 to the away team and the home team incurring a fine 

9.4. A club may insist on a match being re-arranged if a team member is required for international or Northumberland County/League representative duties or business as a member of the Executive Committee.
Author: via Northumbria Table Tennis League
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