IMPORTANT - Upcoming AGM matters

TO:   All Club Secretaries (please advise all Team Captains and Players)

         Executive Committee Members, President and Vice Presidents


Luton & District Table Tennis League AGM:  Thursday 5th July 2012


As per Rule 8, the LDTTL AGM will be held on Thursday 5th July at our usual venue, Co-op Club House, Stockingstone Road, Luton – 7.30pm for 7.45pm prompt start as we have a very full Agenda!


I would ask that all players are contacted, not just those that have awards and honours to collect and maximum attendance encouraged.


As previously publicised, I have enclosed copies of 2 proposed Rule Changes submitted to the EC under Rule 12 that will be discussed and voted upon at the AGM; therefore, it is important that both Rule Changes are circulated amongst all teams and players and to ensure that your Club is fully represented. The Proposed Rule changes are below and also available to download in printable form from our Downloads Page, as well as this letter.

Please note - no other Rule changes can be discussed or voted upon at the 2012 AGM.


Under Rule 9, each Club is allowed a maximum of 2 votes (minimum of two representatives present); with each Committee Member being allowed 1 vote in addition to the 2 Club Votes.   The Chairman will have the casting vote in the event of any tied vote.


AGENDA:           Introduction - Chairman’s Report

                       Role Call of Clubs and Voting power

                       Minutes of 2011 AGM and any Matters Arising

                       Hon. Gen. Secretary’s Report

                       Hon. Fixtures Secretary’s Report

                       Hon. Treasurer’s Report - LDTTL and ETTA fees

                       Election of Officers

                       Rule Change 26 (E) -    Points awarded per match.

                       Rule Change 27 (B) -    No-postponements.


                       ********   Short Break   *******


                       Presentation of Awards   - list of honours is available on LDTTL website.


As always, please support the LDTTL and see you all at the AGM!


Yours in Table Tennis




Val Murdoch

L&DTTL Hon. Gen. Sec. 





Current Rule 26 (E)   In the event of scoring being 11 all, in a singles or doubles game, the winner or winners must obtain two clear points lead. Each match should be played to a finish and points shall be awarded on the following basis;

10, 9, 8 games won   - 4 points

7, 6 games won         - 3 points

5 games won             - 2 points

4, 3 games won         - 1 point

2, 1, 0 games won     - 0 points


Proposal:  To delete Rule 26 (E) and amend to read :

 New Rule 26 (E)   In the event of scoring being 11 all, in a singles or doubles game, the winner or winners must obtain two clear points lead. Each match should be played to a finish and a point awarded for each game won as follows:

10 games won  -  10 points

9  games won   -   9 points

8 games won    -   8 points

7  games won   -   7 points

6  games won   -   6 points

5  games won   -   5 points

4  games won   -   4 points

3  games won   -   3 points

2  games won   -   2 points

1  games won   -   1 point


Benefit:   All games will count and encourage teams to play each game to highest competitive level.


Proposed by:  Eleanor Neaves                        Seconded by:     Alex Murdoch

Date submitted to LDTTL  Executive Committee:                  25th January 2012





Current RULE 27 (B) Teams may wish to exceptionally re-arrange a match and in these circumstances should obtain the agreement of the opposing team Captain and Hon. Fixture Secretary giving as much notice as possible. In any event, where less than 7 days’ notice is given and/or agreement cannot be reached, then the requesting Team captain in the first instance must contact the Hon. Fixtures Secretary with full details of the request. If the original playing date has passed then the Hon. Fixture Secretary will attempt to obtain a mutually agreed date or decide to refer the matter to the Executive Committee to recommend point’s award whose decision will be final

(C) Re-arranged matches should be played at the earliest opportunity to prevent fixture backlog. All re-arranged matches should be completed within two weeks of the last fixture of the scheduled Luton & District Table Tennis League programme, as shown on the Fixture Chart, within the current handbook. Clubs violating this rule shall be dealt with as the Executive Committee shall determine and points for outstanding matches awarded at the discretion of the Executive Committee


PROPOSAL:   To delete current Rules 27 (B) & 27 (C) and replace with NEW Rules 27 (B) through to Rule 27 (I) to read as below:


27 (B)   All matches must be played on or before the dates shown in the Handbook (see also Rule 27 (G)).


     (C)   At the start of the playing season, it will be the Home Captain’s responsibility to check the Fixtures set out in the current Handbook and to confirm that the Home Playing venue will be available for all scheduled matches.    In the event that the Home venue is unavailable, it will be the Home Captain’s responsibility to contact the Away Captain giving as much notice as possible (see Rule 27 (E & F below).


     (D)    In the event of extreme adverse weather conditions, including advice from Local Emergency services against unnecessary travel, it will be the Home Captain’s responsibility to contact the Away Captain giving as much notice as possible – preferably, prior to the Away team starting to travel to match venue.  

     (E)   Re-arranged matches should be played at the earliest opportunity to prevent fixture backlog and maximum use made of any scheduled ‘free’ weeks.  All re-arranged matches must be completed within two weeks of the last fixture of the scheduled Luton & District Table Tennis League programme, as shown on the Fixture Chart within the current handbook. The Hon.Fixtures Secretary must be advised on any match that is re-arranged.  Clubs violating this rule shall be dealt with as the Executive Committee shall determine and points for outstanding matches awarded at the discretion of the Executive Committee.  

    (F) A match may be brought forward, but only after agreement by both team captains and after they have both contacted the Hon.Fixtures Secretary with a new agreed date (see also Rule 27(E)above).

    (G) The Captain of either Home or Away Teams should consider ‘playing up’ (see Rule 22 (b)) and/or fielding a team of 2 players if a third team player is unavailable as an alternative to postponing or re-arranging a match.

      (H)  In all cases of a match not being played on the scheduled date, the Home Captain must contact the Away team Captain and the Hon. Fixtures Secretary giving as much notice as possible.  In any event, where less than 7 days’ notice is given and/or agreement cannot be reached, then the requesting Team captain in the first instance must contact the Hon. Fixtures Secretary with full details of the request.  If the original playing date has passed then the Hon. Fixture Secretary will attempt to obtain a mutually agreed date or decide to refer the matter to the Executive Committee to recommend points award whose decision will be final.

     (I) The above Rules do not cover every eventuality (particularly personal) and are framed to ensure that scheduled matches are played in the spirit of good sportsmanship and fair play, where no team seeks to gain unwarranted advantage over it’s opponents – see also Rule 38.



Benefit:     To reduce postponed matches, fixtures backlog and clarify responsibilities in event of match not being played and, to promote the ethos of matches being played.

Exceptional circumstances are not listed but would be considered and decided by Executive Committee whose decision is final.


Proposed By:   Dave Collom______      Seconded by:   ­­­­­­­­­­­­­____Alex Murdoch_______

Date Submitted to LDTTL Executive Committee:          ____25th January 2012 

Author: via Luton Table Tennis League
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