Please be aware that scorecards SHOULD be with me by SATURDAY of the match week, or MONDAY if the match was played on Friday (AS PER LEAGUE RULE No. 30)


There are currently 3 outstanding results for WEEK 1 which i have yet to receive;


L&D Hosp. v Tigers B - Tue. 4-10-11 (NOW RECEIVED)

L&D Hosp. B v Vauxhall G - Tue. 4-10-11 (POSTPONED)


Caddington v Co-Op A - Wed. 5-10-11 (NOW RECEIVED)


If results are not received on time they simply will not appear in the following week's Luton News, due to the publisher's deadline, and obviously not on the website itself


It also keeps it fair to the other teams, as they can then see the most current standings, when the week's results are in. Some people rely totally on the Luton News as they do not have internet access and it would be nice to have the whole week's results together


Many thanks to all of those who have emailed/posted scorecards. For those that are still unsure, you can simply scan the scorecard and send the image itself as an attachment, in an email to me @


Cheers for now and well played everyone



Fixtures Secretary

Author: via Luton Table Tennis League
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