Members attention is drawn to the following health and safety issues:-

a)         ALWAYS make sure you are in good health before attending any session, especially with regard to your balance, co-ordination and reactions. Please update the Club if your health/medication changes, so that we are prepared in the case of an emergency.

            b)         Recommended Clothing to be worn:-

·             Trainers/suitable footwear for all

·             Shorts/Skirt and/or Tracksuit Bottoms/Jogging Trousers, etc. Please avoid wearing Jeans as these are generally restrictive when playing sport.

·             T-Shirt/Polo Shirt/suitable top (Avoid White or Orange)

c)         Recommend a warm up before playing to minimise risk of muscle injury. (There are alternatives to stretching and aerobics for Adults and Juniors/Youths)

            d)         Water - Especially important for our Junior/Youth Members. Available from the Kitchen.

            e)         Equipment

·             Assembled/Disassembled by 2 Adults, or Adult plus Junior/Youth Member.

·             Remove net & posts, where necessary (Green tables), before folding tables away – ensure person with RED coloured bar activates the folding of the table.

·             Keep fingers/hands clear, when folding tables away, to avoid serious injury.

·             Take care of your back when moving equipment.

             f)          Session Leaders Keep a Register of ALL Attendees at every session, plus an Emergency Contact              List.      

             g)         In the event of an Accident

·             Allow the Qualified First Aider to take charge of the situation.

·             Please provide support and assistance when requested by the First Aider in charge.

·             Log incident in the Accident Book, located in the Kitchen.

·             Call 999, or 112 for Emergency Assistance (Ambulance, etc.) There is a phone in the Foyer, or use your mobile phone (be aware there is a poor signal).

             h)        Emergency Evacuation Procedures

·             Displayed in the foyer, beside the double doors into the Main Hall.

·             There are 3 Fire Exits:- Right of the Stage, between the Kitchen and Chair Storage Room and the Main Entrance in the Foyer.

·             The Assembly Point is on the front grass. ALWAYS stay behind the fence, away from the road.

·             ALWAYStake the Register and Emergency Contact List with you, so that you can check all attendees are safe.

·             Call 999, or 112 for Emergency Assistance (Police, Fire, or Ambulance) There is a phone in the Foyer, or use your mobile phone (be aware there is a poor signal).

             i)          Fire Alarm

There is an updated Fire Alarm System now installed in the Main Hall. The Session Leader is authorised to reset the alarm when the all clear is given.

            j)          Air Conditioning/Ventilation Fans

To activate the air conditioning/ventilation fans, turn on the switch(es) in the foyer. Remember to turn them off at the end of the session.

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