Doubles Averages > Winter 2018-19 > Division One
Team Played Won % Win
Morpeth 1 14 11 78.57%
Highbury 1 13 10 76.92%
Table Tennis Fight Club 1 16 10 62.50%
Moberly 1 14 7 50.00%
Morpeth 3 15 7 46.67%
Fusion 2 13 6 46.15%
Greenhouse Kings College 10 4 40.00%
Morpeth 2 14 5 35.71%
Fusion 1 15 2 13.33%
Displaying: 9 teams Last Updated:
Doubles Averages > Winter 2018-19 > Division Two
Team Played Won % Win
Brunswick 3 jr 18 14 77.78%
Brunswick 2 22 17 77.27%
Exiles 21 14 66.67%
Greenhouse Gainsford 20 12 60.00%
Greenhouse Mix 21 11 52.38%
Highbury 2 20 10 50.00%
Highbury 3 20 10 50.00%
Table Tennis Fight Club 2 21 10 47.62%
Morpeth 4 20 9 45.00%
Fusion 4 Jr 21 9 42.86%
Morpeth 5 22 7 31.82%
Irving 1 22 1 4.55%
Displaying: 12 teams Last Updated:
Doubles Averages > Winter 2018-19 > Division Three
Team Played Won % Win
Moberly 2 21 15 71.43%
Morpeth 6 22 15 68.18%
Lambeth 22 14 63.64%
Highbury 4 21 12 57.14%
Greenhouse Evo 21 12 57.14%
Morpeth 7 22 11 50.00%
Highbury 5 22 11 50.00%
Irving 2 22 11 50.00%
Good Karma 22 10 45.45%
Fusion 5 22 8 36.36%
Morpeth 8 22 6 27.27%
St Johns 1 21 5 23.81%
Displaying: 12 teams Last Updated:
Doubles Averages > Winter 2018-19 > Division Four
Team Played Won % Win
Morpeth 10 Jr 18 13 72.22%
Clissold 1 18 13 72.22%
Highbury 6 18 11 61.11%
Clissold 2 17 10 58.82%
Morpeth 9 18 9 50.00%
Highbury 7 18 9 50.00%
Irving 4 17 7 41.18%
Greenhouse Grasshoppers 18 7 38.89%
St Johns 2 18 6 33.33%
Irving 3 18 4 22.22%
Displaying: 10 teams Last Updated:
Doubles Averages > Winter 2018-19 > Division Five
Team Played Won % Win
Table Tennis Fight Club 3 20 17 85.00%
Moberly 3 20 16 80.00%
Clissold 3 20 13 65.00%
Crown And Manor 2 20 12 60.00%
Highbury 9 20 10 50.00%
Highbury 8 20 9 45.00%
Brunswick 4 20 8 40.00%
Morpeth 12 20 8 40.00%
Irving 5 20 6 30.00%
Morpeth 11 20 6 30.00%
Highbury 10 20 5 25.00%
Displaying: 11 teams Last Updated:
Doubles Averages > Winter 2018-19 > Division Six
Team Played Won % Win
Carwow 17 14 82.35%
Brunswick 5 Jr 18 12 66.67%
Clissold 4 17 11 64.71%
Coller Capital 18 11 61.11%
Greenhouse Dragons 18 11 61.11%
Ping Pong Tribe 1 18 9 50.00%
Highbury 11 18 9 50.00%
Fusion 6 17 6 35.29%
Highbury 12 16 2 12.50%
Highbury 13 17 2 11.76%
Displaying: 10 teams Last Updated:
Doubles Averages > Winter 2018-19 > Division Seven
Team Played Won % Win
Morpeth 13 16 13 81.25%
Fusion 7 Jr 14 11 78.57%
Brunswick 6 16 11 68.75%
Clissold 5 18 9 50.00%
U3A - CED and I 17 8 47.06%
Highbury 14 16 7 43.75%
Irving 6 18 7 38.89%
Highbury 16 16 6 37.50%
Ping Pong Tribe 2 16 6 37.50%
Highbury 15 17 4 23.53%
Displaying: 10 teams Last Updated:
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