

XXXX UPDATE XXXX   There has been a late entry and there are now ten teams in Division Two.


The season will commence week beginning 12 September 2022.

Finally, Have a good season!

via Wigan Table Tennis League ::

All Wigan League members please note the Annual General meeting will be held at 7.30 pm on Thursday 28 July 2022 at Leigh Miners Welfare.

Please make every effort to attend.

via Wigan Table Tennis League ::

Come along and support  this event.  Proceeds in aid of Wigan & Leigh Hospice

LEIGH MINERS WELFARE CLUB at 7.30pm.    Adults £3.   Juniors -no charge

An exciting evening of Table Tennis

via Wigan Table Tennis League ::

This year's presentation will be on Friday May 6th 2022 at Leigh Miners Welfare. Doors will open at 7 pm with the first final starting at 7.30 prompt.

After the finals there will be a buffet followed by the presentation of the prizes.

via Wigan Table Tennis League ::

The eleventh Invitation Champions Challenge will take place at Leigh Miners Welfare on Friday May 27th 2022, commencing at 7.30pm.

Entry is £3 for adults, juniors free with any profits going to Wigan and Leigh Hospice.

via Wigan Table Tennis League ::

THIS SEASON’S INDIVIDUAL K.O. COMPETITIONS Premier Division Singles & Doubles Sunday morning 3rd April @ Platt Bridge Community Centre Division 1 Singles & Doubles Sunday afternoon @ Platt Bridge Community Centre Vets +60’s Singles Noon @ Platt Bridge Community Centre

via Wigan Table Tennis League ::

The Handbook shows the AGM to be on Monday 28 March 2022.  Please note that the meeting WILL NOT TAKE PLACE ON THAT DAY.

Team entries for the 2022/2023 season should be brought to this meeting. The application forms will be sent out in due course. ( Rule 12)

via Wigan Table Tennis League ::

You may remember that I posted news of the death of Bill on 6 April 2020. Bill was for very many years a player, committee member and supporter of Wigan Table Tennis League.

via Wigan Table Tennis League ::

Warrington Table Tennis club is hosting an Inter League Tournament on Saturday 26 March 2022. If any player is interested in taking part they should contact George Lennon for an entry form

George's mobile number is 07738009151

via Wigan Table Tennis League ::

We have learned with sadness of the passing of Ted Gilmour last week. Ted played in Wigan League for many years and also in Liverpool.

His funeral will be at Charnock Richard Crematorium on Monday 28 February at 11.30am., followed by a celebration of his life at St Aidan's Club.

via Wigan Table Tennis League ::
via Wigan Table Tennis League ::

In the absence of any further guidance from TTE since mid December, the committee suggests that the guidelines for play at PBCC be used at all our venues until further notice.

via Wigan Table Tennis League ::