Derby Sports Awards
Derby 2013 Criteria form.pdf    

Nomination Entry Form 2013 - Derby City Council.doc

A reminder that nominations are now being accepted for The Derby Sports Awards. Please find attached the nomination form and criteria for the awards.

The 2013 Derby Sports Awards will take place on the evening of Wednesday 2 October 2013, at the Derby Assembly Rooms, Market Place, Derby DE1 3AH. The evening aims to recognise and celebrate the achievements of Derby’s sportspeople and clubs and thank all the coaches, volunteers and unsung heroes who work tirelessly to make sport happen for the local community. The evening will consist of a drinks reception, buffet and presentations to the winners of the sports awards categories, hosted by a variety of local sports heroes.

This will be the seventh time that Derby City Council, Sport and Active Recreation Team have organised and run the Derby City Sports Awards. Many of those short listed previously at the Derby City Sports Awards have been performing at county, regional, national and international level. They represent Derby every time that they take to the field to perform, coach, officiate or volunteer and we are proud as a city to have them.

If you feel that you know of a player, coach, official, volunteer, team or club that is deserving of one of the awards then please complete the attached nomination form and return it to the address provided. Please feel free to nominate as many people as you like; self-nominations are also accepted.

Please pass this around your wider networks to anyone who you feel could be nominated or have someone to nominate. You can visit to download nomination forms if you wish.

The closing date for nominations is Friday 30 August 2013

Author: via Derby & District Table Tennis Association
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