UKCC Level 1 coaching course

A UKCC Level 1 course has been arranged in Aberdeen over 2 separate days about a month apart. The first day will be either Sunday 17th May or 24th May and the second day will either 14th June or 21st June.  Dates will be finalised soon.

The main topics are:

The role of the coach; Coaching methods and styles; Technical Knowledge of Table Tennis; Communication, Personality and Motivation; Planning Table Tennis Coaching Activities; Coaching Practice; Deliver Table Tennis Coaching Activities.

It is a very worthwhile and interesting course which teaches the basic technical strokes and also practical advice on delivering coaching lessons. There is a mix of practical sessions and paperwork and includes learning how to plan and deliver a coaching session. 

We already have several keen candidates but need one or two more to make the course viable so do get in touch if you are interested as these opportunities do not come round very often.

Dick Ferro

01224 861715

Author: via Aberdeen & District Table Tennis Association
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