Wickwar TTC Table Request

Update 20-04-2024 - 2 clubs have offered tables. Also Amanda Leonard the Area Manager South West located a potential source of tables in Gloucester.

Post from 18-04-2024

My name is Mike and I have played in the Bristol TT League for 15 years or so, albeit much less since moving to Wickwar a few years back.

I have started up my own club and we now have 4 teams that play in the Stroud league, along with a Juniors club with weekly coaching.

Due to our size, we would really benefit from having an additional table (we only have 2 currently). One option is to seek funding / raise money to buy a 3rd table but I wondered if you knew of a club that might be getting rid of a table due to it being surplus to requirements, etc?

Are you able to get a message out to club secretaries? It would be very much appreciated. Many thanks and best wishes, Mike Heffernan Wickwar TTC

Author: via Bristol Table Tennis League
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